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HMO Expert - Garry Slater


HMO Expert

Nottingham’s No. 1 Expert in HMO Management

Are you looking for an agent that can provide professional HMO management in Nottingham?

Professional HMO management now forms a key element in owning multi-let property. Gone are the days when landlords could sit back and relax throwing caution to the wind over tenant safety.

Today there are an ever-growing number of Government regulations that must be adhered to in order to render a HMO property safe for tenant occupation. Importantly, these include both licensed and non-licensed properties and so no shared property with three or more unrelated occupants can escape. Break the rules and the penalties can be severe. Get it right and your tenants will thank you!

Ask yourself the following

Am I doing everything I can to provide safe accommodation or am I leaving myself open to the possibility of prosecution? As HMO landlords ourselves we know what our answer is!

If the worst was to happen within your HMO property and someone were to injure themselves or worst still lose their life due to a fire, are you happy that you could demonstrate in a court of law that you took all reasonable steps to provide tenants with a safe place to live. Can you say this is true of your HMO management process? If not, please read on…


We often find that HMO landlords hold their shared properties for a considerable time and for good reason as they make one of the best forms of property investment there is. There can be no doubt over the potential for increased profits. Whilst this is a great thing in the main, all too often we find that as time marches some landlords struggle to keep up with the regulatory changes that take place over the years. And this is no surprise – after all, there is no one place to find all of the answers. There are a myriad of websites and property organisations to go to for advice but no one place to get all of the latest information. And this is where we come in.

Some of the most important aspects of HMO regulatory safety that have come about in recent years include:

Fire Safety

Depending on the size of the property, it is now widely expected that a Fire Risk Assessment is carried out periodically. From this point either weekly or monthly visits must then be made to the property and subsequently recorded in a Fire Log to demonstrate professional HMO management. These visits are to incorporate full tests of the Fire Alarm and Smoke Detection System (in strict rotation), Emergency Lighting, Fire Doors (including operation of intumescent strips/smoke seals), Means of Escape, Fire Extinguishers and Fire Blankets to name just a few.

Additionally, it is also expected that suitably qualified external engineers are appointed to carry out six monthly or annual servicing of all Fire Alarm and Smoke Detection Systems and Emergency Lighting.

Landlords considering home safety

Electrical Safety

Landlords are also expected to provide Five year Periodic Inspections within share houses and flats without exception, annual Portable Appliance Tests (PAT) and also checks to ensure that tenants have not introduced their own portable appliances without these being PAT tested too.


Reknown as experts in HMO property management the team at Slater & Brandley go out of their way to provide the very best form of care and attention there is leaving landlords safe in the knowledge that their interests are fully protected. We operate a 24/7 service providing both tenants and landlords with real peace of mind.

Our credentials are readily demonstrated by the fact that we manage a large number of Houses in Multiple Occupation throughout Nottingham. These range from the typical 6 bedroom three storey property right up to our purpose-built ‘Super Sized’ 32 bedroom property situated in the heart of West Bridgford. We don’t simply tenant multiple occupation houses. We work tirelessly on constantly improving the standards of all shared houses. We firmly believe this helps to ensure the smooth running of a shared property.

Our belief is simple – when a HMO property is professionally managed this will help to deliver the results landlords look for when investing in higher yielding property. It is for these reasons that we continue to be ‘Nottingham’s No. 1 Experts in HMO Management’.

Want to find out more about how we have developed robust systems for HMO management? Then why not visit us. Our resident HMO expert, Garry Slater (Managing Director) will be only too happy to arrange a no-obligation visit to any number of our currently managed HIMO properties. At the same time we can show you the inner workings of Nottingham’s 32 bed ‘Super Sized’ HMO together with the level of professional standards that we work to each and every day.

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